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Showing posts from September, 2017

Class Project I: Revised Project Proposal

Revised Proposal for Project 1 Reflection: After proposing an initial idea to create a documentary to explore the infrastructure of the broadcast media system, I immediately realized that this idea had to be changed into something more manageable for the time period allowed. To accomplish a piece that would fit the original vision will require different circumstances and resources. Instead of scaling the project back, I have decided to shift my focus onto something more manageable within the context of the due date for Project 1. I will instead propose a piece that allows me to do most of the work from the computer and in the studio, rather than heading out into the field on video shoots, and give myself a contained and immediate time period in which to focus my efforts.  Title: News Media Ecosystem Check-Up Abstract:   An observational documentary-style moving image work that seeks to keep an eye on the news media headlines, and how various outlets frame top n...

On Media-Specific Critique

When art loses its materiality (painting, sculpture, photography) and becomes electronic data (digital media), how are we to assess it? Each of the readings provided a lot of questions but no certain answers in thinking through this phenomenon. N. Katherine Hayles approaches the question of media specificity through literary theory--and makes a case for  "positioning text against work" with the influence of Roland Barthes. When text is no longer just words on a printed page, but takes on a new effect through electronic "hypertext," Hayles makes a point that we must make a "careful consideration of what difference the medium makes." Here, navigation becomes a "signifying strategy," and the subject becomes transformed as not just a passive reader but as a participant in how the text unfolds. She declares: "Whether in print or on screen, the specificity of the medium comes into play as its characteristic are flaunted, suppressed, subverted, rei...

Class Project: Short Proposal Outline

Title: Further Investigations into the Media Monopoly Abstract: A first-person, observational documentary-style moving image work 'lifting the hood' of the mainstream media, including but not limited to: its social/political history, its physical architecture, and its hidden infrastructure Intro your project idea: What allows our mass media systems to function? In New York City, the media capital of the world, there are the broadcasting studios and headquarters of all of the major media conglomerates. What physical spaces do these companies and productions operate in? What information and images are they creating and conveying on a daily basis? What technical components allow for the functioning of their operations? This project will explore these questions and more. Background : how does this project relate to your ongoing work?  This project is an extension of my previous interests and studies in media, as well my practice in shooting video, and editing together a...